Jean: 07808 966928 or
Shirley: 07974 250485
Caversham, Reading
United Kingdom
If you make your own products and are thinking of having a table at one of our Artists & Makers Fairs - you are in the right place!
Thank you for your interest in Caversham’s Artists & Makers Fairs. We hope the following information will prove helpful.
If you can't find what you are looking for, or you've found it but still have questions, contact us and we will help you.

Dates, times & venue
The fair will be held on the second Saturday of the months of March, April, May, June, September, October, November and December. We do not run fairs in January, February, July and August.
We are very lucky to be able to use the lovely hall at the Caversham Methodist Church, Gosbrook Road, Caversham, RG4 8EB.
We open to visitors at 10.00 am and finish at 4.00 pm.
Items for sale
All items must be the original work of the exhibitor. Under no circumstances will ‘bought in’ goods be permitted.
Insurance, licences and certification
All exhibitors must have appropriate, up to date, Public Liability Insurance plus any other Licences or Certification their product might require. We will need to see copies of these with your application form.
Stands & display space
Your space measures approximately 5’ by 7’ with a table approximately 6’ by 2’ to fit within it. Some tables will be near a wall, others may be in the middle of the room depending on numbers. We will try to accommodate your preference but cannot guarantee this. Any other display items you bring MUST also fit within this space and not interfere with other stallholders. They must not obstruct your own access, gangways, general view or hide the exhibits or displays of other exhibitors. Spaces are allocated considering many factors and this decision is final. We will provide tea, coffee and biscuits but please bring other refreshments for yourself as required.
Display Space Cost
Single space £40
Double space £75
Payment will be required within 5 days of acceptance of your booking. Discounts for multiple bookings are available however, all bookings must be paid at the time of acceptance to qualify.
Please note that no application can be accepted without the applicant agreeing to comply with our Terms and Conditions.